Our expertise

Hutchinson Black and Cook: “The best attorneys in the country” for victims of sex crimes at schools.

Media Coverage of Our Cases

  • Our lawsuit against Baylor University “took aim at a culture perpetuating sexual violence” and resulted in systemic change at the school. HBC’s yearlong investigation into the Baylor football program uncovered 54 acts of sexual violence perpetrated by the football team alone over the span of four years. Our representation of survivors in this lawsuit helped define the scope of the problem and ultimately enabled the University to confront the need for systemic change within the program.

  • We sued Florida State University in an effort to hold a powerful football school accountable for protecting its football team in the wake of allegations of sexual violence. HBC secured the largest settlement on record against a school that ignored a student’s report of sexual violence.

  • ESPN’s article on our “landmark settlement” in a case against Arizona State University highlights the ways in which our advocacy pushed the school to provide more resources for women going forward, including the appointment of a women’s safety officer.

  • Articles from the Missoulian newspaper on our lawsuit and subsequent settlement in a case against a rural Montana school district discuss our advocacy on behalf of a high school student whose school failed to protect her from being sexually assaulted by a teacher who had been previously reported for abusing another student.

  • Our hometown paper, the Boulder Daily Camera, has covered our long track record of success in Title IX cases, including our lawsuit against the University of Oregon that called attention to the basketball team’s unethical recruitment of players with a known history of sexual misconduct.

Advocacy Beyond the Courtroom

  • HBC attorneys have shared their insights on Title IX advocacy through presentations to audiences at Harvard, Stanford, LSU, Lewis and Clark College, the Association of Title IX Administrators, the Denver Sexual Assault Interagency Council, the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, and the Sports Lawyers Bar Association, among others.

  • We have been vocal in opposing the Department of Education’s “problematic” proposed changes to Title IX regulations that stand to harm survivors.

  • Our attorneys are active in the victim advocacy community through membership in organizations such as the National Crime Victim Bar Association and service on the boards of nonprofits including the Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center.

our attorneys